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What Is Mesothelioma ?

Cancer is a disease characterized by typical cell cycle abnormalities that give rise to the ability of cells to grow uncontrollably, attack biological tissue nearby, and also migrate to other body tissues through blood or lymphatic circulation, called metastasis. Cancer is one of the diseases of a thousand kinds of diseases that exist today, and this one disease is very deadly and the cure is difficult. As we know from many sources such as information media, there have been many cancer sufferers who have died, not many can be saved from this one disease. Cancer at this time has many types, such as cancer, which we will discuss today, which is about Mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is one type of cancer from many types of cancer that exist. Most people do not know about Mesothelioma, because this cancer is a new type of cancer and is still rarely affected by this type of cancer. The types of cancer that most of us know are like Breast Cancer, Skin Cancer, Cervical Cancer, and many others. Although Mesothelioma is still relatively new and rarely happens, but don't underestimate this cancer is very dangerous and deadly. Mesothelioma itself is a type of lung cancer that usually occurs in the membranes around the lungs, commonly called the pleura. What is the cause?.

Causes of Mesothelioma ?

The cause of this mesothelioma is due to exposure to asbestos, asbestos itself is a strong mining item that has been used for various purposes. Asbestos if destroyed it will cause dust or fine fibers such as needles and can easily float in free air. Usually this is often found in industrial environments, local construction, carpentry and building material stores and other places related to asbestos. When this dust flies in the air and is inhaled by the nose, this asbestos dust will stick and get trapped in the lungs. If this continues for a long period of time, the sharp asbestos dusts will continue to settle and increase in the lungs. This is what causes Mesothelioma to occur. In developed countries like Japan, hundreds of people have died due to exposure to asbestos dust. They died of Mesohtelioma cancer. The risk of this disease will be higher if the person is an active smoker. And sources say that about 10 percent of patients live at least five years after they are diagnosed with Mesothelioma. Please also note, that the ceiling of a house that uses basic ingredients asbestos mixture also has the potential to bring about this Mesothelioma disease. In 1995 in Japan a ban on the use of blue and brown asbestos was issued, due to the high carcinogen type. Therefore, workers who deal directly with asbestos should be more careful in carrying out their work. Prioritizing personal safety and health by complying with K3. And do not forget to use a mask when working to minimize the entry of asbestos dust scattered in the free air so that things do not happen that are not desirable. Perform routine health checks so that all forms of the disease are not only Mesothelioma can be detected early. That's a little review of Mesothelioma, hopefully it's useful and can make our lives healthier.